Thursday, October 31, 2019

Relating the social exchange theory to increasing divorce rates Essay

Relating the social exchange theory to increasing divorce rates - Essay Example These figures show that this phenomenon is almost universal. While trying to understand the increasing divorce rates based on social exchange theory, the analysis has to consider as its variables, cost, benefit, outcome, comparison level, satisfaction, and dependence inside the institution of marriage (Clarke-Stewart and Brentano, 20-21). This has to be so because these are the yardsticks to measure change or stability in a system, as prescribed by the social exchange theory. The theory suggests that after marriage, â€Å"people evaluate their relationship in terms of costs and benefits† (Clarke-Stewart and Brentano, 20). And the survival of the marriage is ensured only when the costs like additional work, additional responsibilities, sharing of personal things etc. are balanced by the benefits that include â€Å"love, support, companionship, emotional security, social status and connections, and sexual relations, as well as property, financial resources and assistance with d aily tasks† (Clarke-Stewart and Brentano, 20). ... So, according to social exchange theory, if alternative attractions and resources are stronger as compared to the rewards, divorce happens. In general, social exchange theory presupposes that â€Å"all interpersonal behavior including dating, marriage and family relationships, is assumed to involve a process of negotiation and bargaining (Baker, 78). Usually from a social scientist’s common perspective, the reasons for divorce can be â€Å"delays in age at first marriage, rising non-marital cohabitation, and increases in non-marital births† and also â€Å"women’s growing education and economic independence, a decline in religious influence, an increase in individualism, and a corresponding decline in communalism (Lamb, 196). The risk factors that bring about a divorce as identified by researchers also constitute a very long list (qtd. In Lamb, 197). This list includes, factors like: Marrying a teenager, being poor, having a low level of education, having no chi ldren from the marriage, bringing children from a previous union into the marriage, being in a second or higher order marriage, cohabiting prior to marriage, having no religious affiliation, not sharing the same religion with one’s spouse, living in an urban area, and growing up in a household without two continuously married parents (Lamb, 197-198). Other findings of social science research in this regard have suggested that education has a positive association with the risk of divorce (qtd. by Lamb, 198). Many more immediate causative factors of divorce have been identified as well. These comprise of â€Å"frequent arguments, repeated expressions of negative affect, domestic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ethics and Social Responsibility Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics and Social Responsibility - Case Study Example Whereas a typical retail outlet occupies a floor plan of over 4500 square feet, Nau is able to squeeze its product offerings into a minimal 2700 square feet; sometimes even less if one considers the kiosks (to be discussed next) as stores (DesMarteau, 2007). Furthermore, the firm has also allocated 5% of all proceeds to be donated to charities that work to save and protect the environment. The firm refers to this practice as â€Å"aggressive altruism† and notes that most other firms consider 1% donated to charities to be the â€Å"gold standard† (Salkever, 2008). Although this serves to effect a higher price for the customers, it is doubtless that Nau has performed extensive market research and has determined that the target demographic it is appealing to finds this â€Å"aggressive altruism† to be a unique and endearing concept of how the firm does business. Additionally Nau has employed the use of internet kiosks in which customers can try on an array of different clothing and then purchase it from a self serve internet enabled kiosk. This serves to drastically reduce necessary floor space as well as reduce the costs associated with having employees attending to the needs of each and every customer (O’Connell, 2007). However, this practice is not without its unique drawbacks as will be analyzed in the preceding paragraph. It should be noted that although this has the benefit of providing the product to the customer at a lower cost and at a lower environmental impact, the tangential affect of this is that fewer jobs are available to the local economy. Therefore the increased profitability is not injected back into the community as with other similar retailers. Instead, this extra money that is saved on the general lack of store employees most likely finds its way into an increased bottom line for the firm. Although this may seem to be an unimportant

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Department of Health Campaigns

Department of Health Campaigns The Department of Health (DH) and its health campaign The Department of health helps people of Britain to live better for longer. The Department of Health lead, shape and fund health and care in England and making sure that people get the right support, care and treatment they need, with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve. The Department of Health responsibilities: The Department of Health lead across health and care by creating national policies and legislation, providing the long term vision and ambition to meet current and future challenges, putting health and care at the heart of government and being a global leader in health care policy. The Department of Health support the integrity of the system by providing funding, assuring the delivery and continuity of services and accounting to Parliament in a way that represents the best interest of the patient, public and tax payer. The Department of Health champion innovation and improvement by supporting research and technology, promoting honesty, openness and transparency, and instilling a culture that values compassion, dignity and the highest quality of care above everything. Above all, the Department of Health encourages staff in every health and care organization, including our own, to understand and learn from people’s experiences of health and care and to apply this to everything we do. The Department of Health priorities: Preventing people from dying prematurely by improving mortality rates for big killer diseases, to be amongst the best in Europe, through improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Improving the standard of care throughout the system so that quality of care is considered as important as quality of treatment, through greater accountability, better training, tougher inspections and more attention paid to what patient say. Improving treatment and care for people with dementia, to be among the best in Europe through early diagnosis, better research and support. Bringing the technology revolution to the NHS to help people, especially those with long term condition, manage their health and care. In order to achieve and implement the best possible care to the people of Britain, the Department of Health is supported by 24 agencies and public bodies who work across the country. The NHS England is the main department that carries out health and care services and also provides national and international health campaign in Britain. The Campaign Resource Center aims to provide a one-stop shop for all Department of Health public health campaign activities for anyone who works directly with the public. The Department of Health campaigns are intended to help people: To become engaged with their own health and wellbeing. To be able to understand how lifestyle choices impact on current and future health outcomes. To be able to obtain sound advice about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, and To be able to access appropriate services, products and tools to help the people change their behavior. The Public Health offices together with the Department of Health has several major health campaigns that has been well organized and structured for the people to raise the level of awareness to the big killer diseases in Britain. The Department of Health and the NHS have pioneered the use of social media (e.g. facebook, twitter) to change health behaviors, with some considerable success mainly due to the ever changing technology nowadays on how people find out information for them to raise their level of awareness to certain diseases. Among the popular campaigns that have been implemented by the Public Health together with the Department of Health are the Act FAST and Smoke free. Act FAST campaign The Act FAST campaign is to raise awareness of people about STROKE. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in England each year, and accounts for 10% of deaths (more than 45,000). It kills more women than breast cancer. Being able to identify and detect early signs after the onset is crucial to the effectiveness of Stroke treatments. The campaign is about raising the level of awareness of people about signs of Stroke, it also encourages people to call 999 immediately so that those experiencing stroke can be seen within three hours of onset. The marketing campaign for Stroke is comprised of TV advertising, radio, outdoor, PR and partnership activity. The F.A.S.T was a fantastic mnemonic (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) that brought it home what to do if somebody’s having a stroke and will without doubt save lives. It was originally launched in February 2009 which highlights the visible signs of stroke, the Act FAST campaign is specifically designed to inform the public about FAST – Face, Arm, Speech, Time to call 999. FAST is a simple test to help people recognize the signs of stroke and understand the importance of emergency treatment. The faster a stroke patient receives treatment, the better their chances of surviving and reducing long term disability. When Stroke Strikes ACT FAST: Face – Has their face fallen to one side? Can they smile? Arms – Can they raise their arms and keep them there? Speech – Is their speech slurred? Time – Time to call 999 if you see any of these signs Another campaign which the Health and Care sector of Britain gives focus is about the smoke free campaign which provides the people of Britain necessary information on how to quit smoking successfully. SMOKEFREE Campaign Smoking in Britain is still the biggest cause of preventable death and disease. The SmokeFree campaign is piloted by the NHS which is a nationwide campaign and funded by the Department of Health which aims to provide motivation, information and support to those who want to quit smoking. Different campaign resources are being used to relay information to the people and actually giving specific campaign materials to individual suited to their needs in quitting smoking. A number of campaign materials are being use here in the UK like the use of brochures, quit kit and resource center to support people in quitting smoking. Smokefree kit guides are available online, brochures and leaflets that are being distributed all throughout the United Kingdom. It also uses media like television, radio programs and on the internet showing ways to quit smoking and how to eradicate the deadly effect of smoking to the person directly and indirectly. Stoptober 2014 The stoptober 2014 is a slogan made to encourage mass participation to quit smoking by October. This effort was launch three years ago and it was slowly increasing the number of people trying to quit smoking and totally stop smoking by October. The stoptober leads smokers through a detailed step-by-step program to help them achieve their goals. There would be lots of free resources available for partners supporting the campaign. Smokefree homes and cars campaigns In Britain, over eight hundred children visit their GPs every day due to the serious effects of second hand smoke exposure. The campaign is sponsored by the Public Health England which increases awareness of the hidden dangers of smoking in their homes and cars. More than 80 percent of second hand smoke is invisible and odourless, it contains harmful cancer-causing toxins and poisons. Everyday millions of children in the UK are exposed to second hand smoking, which puts them at increased risk of lung disease, meningitis and cot death. The treatment, hospital and GP visits for second hand smoke related illnesses cost the NHS about  £23.6 million each year. Quitkit campaign This campaign was launched from January 1, 2012 to help people to quit smoking. Smokers will be able to pick up a free quitkit from thousands of pharmacies in England. The NHS quikit is a box of practical tools and advice developed with smokers and experts which has helped thousands of smokers to quit successfully. References (accessed 08/07/2014) (accessed 08/07/2014) (accessed 14/07/2014) (accessed 15/07/2014) (accessed 15/07/2014) (accessed 15/07/2014)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Bruce Almighty Essay -- essays research papers

Kimberly Mena  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2/15/05 Mr. Shea  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bruce Almighty Bruce Almighty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Watching Bruce Almighty, starring Jim Carrey, we were shown several scenes. In these scenes examples of hopelessness, individualism, enlightened self- interest, compassion, hope, love, free will, relationships, sin, and images of God were seen throughout them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In scene 2: This is my Luck; an example of compassion is when Grace is getting ready to give blood to those who are in dire need. Bruce responds that he isn’t giving blood because he hates needles and because they stock up on the blood, an example of self-interest. When Grace says good bye to him, the only thing Bruce can say is that he is going to need a miracle to get to work at time. Once again, Grace is displaying compassion and love towards Bruce but Bruce is too worried about himself and work to even acknowledge Grace’s actions, showing abandonment in a relationship with Grace. On Bruce’s way to work, there is a severe accident and an ambulance is seen carrying someone but Bruce’s remark is â€Å"Come on, not during Sweeps Week†, showing severe individualism. After the meeting, Bruce approaches his boss and asks about the anchor position, the boss denies knowing any information but Bruce insists. He believes Evan is going t o get the position so he says that he should be more like Evan because Evan is an ‘ass-hole’. Bruce proves that he can be just like Evan by flipping over the boss’s bologna sandwich but Bruce instantly picks it up because he wants the boss to think highly of him, this action of helping someone in order to benefit you, is enlightened self-interest. After picking up the sandwich, the boss gives Bruce a live show and instead of saying thank you, Bruce’s reply is â€Å"I won’t forget you†¦ when I go national!†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  More examples can be seen when Grace is at her job, caring an... to call Grace again, not knowing that she is on her way, and Susan comes into the room. She engages in some small talk and then kisses Bruce, Bruce looks over Susan’s shoulder and sees Grace, she storms away and Bruce chases after her. Grace sarcastically says that everyone else wants to have children with the man that they have loved for 6 years but not her, she just wants a lot of stuff and maybe that would make her happy, and then drives away, this is a display of Grace removing herself from a relationship with Bruce. Bruce dejectedly walks inside and sets off the sprinklers so everyone leaves. When it is just him and God, Bruce asks how He makes so many people love Him without fooling around with free will, instead of answering the question, God indirectly asks him the same question and says that hope fixes relationships.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These are just some of the numerous examples of hopelessness, individualism, enlightened self- interest, compassion, hope, love, free will, relationships, sin, and images of God that are seen consistently throughout the movie. Although a comedy, Bruce Almighty is a movie with a plot of God’s omnipotence painted in bold colors.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Standard Working Hours

Introduction After the implementation of statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong, many people urge the government to have law about standard working hours as employers may use non-paid overtime as a means to minimize the labor cost in order to offset the increase of labor costs caused by the minimum wage. First of all, we would like to talk about the definition of setting a standard working hour. The idea is to set a standard working hour per week. If employees’ working hours are longer than the standard one, employers have to pay additional bonus for the extra working hours.Reason for having standard working hours Regardless of a follow-up action for minimum wage policy, it can ensure better health for employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance stipulate that employers must ensure the occupational safety and health of their employees. Yet, the problem of long working hour is severe. Taking accounting field as an example, it is common for us to hear the employees in à ¢â‚¬Å"Big Four† have sudden health because of long working hours.Setting up standard working hours can discourage employers to ask employees to have overtime so that employees can have more resting time and more job opportunities may be created as employers may need more workforce to avoid employees having overtime (can’t think of any rebuttal, strong point). Worries from Business sector (EMPLOYERS PERSPECTIVE) Currently, seven of the city’s biggest business chambers have sent a rare joint letter to the government expressing their concerns about this issue.They claimed that this policy may hurt the economic environment in Hong Kong since their labor costs will further increase (increase in labour cost due to the need to employ more workers to compensate for the reduction in working hours per worker. This might involve an increase in wages, administration cost, cost of training etc. Additional cost and resources needed *â€Å"Lau Chin-ho, a deputy chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, on RTHK's City Forum, said standard working hours could increase business costs and that other alternatives should be explored before drafting a law.He was responding to a government report, released last week, which says employers would need to pay up to HK$55. 2 billion more a year in wages if standard working hours were introduced in Hong Kong. †Ã¢â‚¬  The Labour Department of Hong Kong generated 27 scenarios of the likely impact by altering three elements: a 40 to 48-hour week, overtime pay of one to 1. 5 times regular pay and exemption criteria for staff such as managers and executives. Depending on the scenario, it estimates the employers' additional labour costs at HK$8 billion to HK$55. 2 billion a year, or 1. per cent to 11. 4 per cent of total expenditure on wages. This compares with HK$3. 3 billion a year resulting from a minimum wage of HK$28 an hour. †). The increase in labour cost might adversely affect the consumers si nce employers might choose to shift the price burden to consumers by increasing the price of goods and services. for consumers. Also, as a service-oriented economy, they think that this policy is not applicable in Hong Kong as service industries require more labor force and time. (can mention about the practicality of the implementation of standard working hours.How it might not be enforceable in certain industries with certain nature of work) Besides, the free and open economy in Hong Kong has long been attracting foreign investment. Multi-national corporations are attracted to set up their business in Hong Kong due to the free market and the non-regulated economy. With the implementation of standard working hours in addition to the statutory minimum wage, the higher labour cost and regulated economic environment might deter the inward investment of MNCs, potentially causing an increase in unemployment in Hong Kong.MNCs might choose to set up their business in other countries with relatively lower labour cost, less regulations and more incentives (tax-free). Suggestion to the implementation of this policy legislate standard working hours This policy should strike a balanced benefit between employers and employees. In order to strike non-paid overtime malpractice, it is inevitable to have standard working hours. Yet, the main concern is to set a moderate level of working hours to protect employers’ interest.Pro-democrats call for the level of 40-44 hours per week. Yet, from the survey by SCMP, the average working hours in Hong Kong is 47. 7 per week. So, setting 47-48 hours per week is fair to both sides. The government may consider having evaluation and judgment of optimal level each year for making it acceptable for both sides. Reference: http://hklawblog. com/2012/11/29/should-hong-kong-implement-standard-working-hours/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

One-eyed Mother Reaction paper

A very touching, affecting, and inspiring story that we watch, about a one-eyed mother with her daughter that has disrespect, unloved, and disgrace with her. Her daughter feels that her mother is an embarrassment for her which totally shows how that person despised her mother. For a daughter with one-eyed mother, she felts embarrassment, ashamed, and disappointment. She sees the negative side, actually the negative physical aspect of her mother through the years that her mother taken are for her.Just because her mother has a one eye that she didn't even bother questioning on why her mother Just only have a one eye. And that is because of her, her mother donated her one eye for her because her daughter born with Just have a one eye only. And she wants that her daughter didn't experience the feeling of loneliness that her give to her mother. I bother on why and how that daughter treats her parent, mother in that way.Instead of showing disrespect for her mother that is fervently able, s he Just take good care, show support and most especially she must show love and affection. And she does that to her mother through her whole life until she became a mother too. She didn't even bother to give back to her mother for taking care of her, for loving her, and for giving a good education and good life for her. How cruel Is that? For me, I didn't see myself doing that to my parents or even to my loved ones. I am a very lovable and caring person to the persons that I loved.I ant see that my mother feels that way and I can't do that to her because, I loved her so much. No words can express how I love my mom also my dad so; I can't do such thing like hers. Being a daughter you must show the love and affection to your parents because they always sacrifice the thing that they can give to their daughter and son. I felt so much sadness. I learned that you should love your parents or your loved ones unconditionally because It gives the happiness that you need and happiness that the y also need.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Yalta Conference in World War II

Yalta Conference in World War II The Yalta Conference was held February 4-11, 1945, and was the second wartime meeting of leaders from the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Upon arriving at the Crimean resort of Yalta, Allied leaders hoped to define the post-World War II peace and set the stage for rebuilding Europe. During the conference, President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin discussed the future of Poland and Eastern Europe, the occupation of Germany, the return of prewar governments to occupied countries, and the Soviet entry into the war with Japan. While the participants left Yalta pleased with the result, the conference later was viewed as a betrayal after Stalin broke promises regarding Eastern Europe. Fast Facts: Yalta Conference Conflict: World War II (1939-1945)Date: February 4-11, 1945Participants:United States - President Franklin RooseveltGreat Britain - Prime Minister Winston ChurchillSoviet Union - Joseph StalinWartime Conferences:Casablanca ConferenceTehran ConferencePotsdam Conference Background In early 1945, with World War II in Europe drawing to a close, Franklin Roosevelt (United States), Winston Churchill (Great Britain), and Joseph Stalin (USSR) agreed to meet to discuss war strategy and issues that would affect the postwar world. Dubbed the Big Three, the Allied leaders had met previously in November 1943, at the Tehran Conference. Seeking a neutral site for the meeting, Roosevelt suggested a gathering somewhere on the Mediterranean. While Churchill was in favor, Stalin refused citing that his doctors prohibited him from making any long trips. In lieu of the Mediterranean, Stalin proposed the Black Sea resort of Yalta. Eager to meet face to face, Roosevelt agreed to Stalins request. As the leaders traveled to Yalta, Stalin was in the strongest position as Soviet troops were a mere forty miles from Berlin. This was reinforced by the home court advantage of hosting the meeting in the USSR. Further weakening the western Allies position was Roosevelts failing health and Britains increasingly junior position relative to the US and USSR. With the arrival of all three delegations, the conference opened on February 4, 1945. Agendas Each leader came to Yalta with an agenda. Roosevelt desired Soviet military support against Japan following the defeat of Germany and Soviet participation in the United Nations, while Churchill was focused on securing free elections for Soviet-liberated countries in Eastern Europe. Counter to Churchills desire, Stalin sought to build a Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe to protect against future threats. In addition to these long-term issues, the three powers also needed to develop a plan for governing postwar Germany. Yalta Conference, left to right: Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Maj. Gen. L. S. Kuter, Admiral E. J. King, General George C. Marshall, Ambassador Averell Harriman, Admiral William Leahy, and President F. D. Roosevelt. Livadia Palace, Crimea, Russia. Library of Congress Poland Shortly after the meeting opened, Stalin took a firm stance on the issue of Poland, citing that twice in the previous thirty years it had been used as an invasion corridor by the Germans. Furthermore, he stated that the Soviet Union would not return the land annexed from Poland in 1939, and that the nation could be compensated with land taken from Germany. While these terms were non-negotiable, he was willing to agree to free elections in Poland. While the latter pleased Churchill, it soon became clear that Stalin had no intention of honoring this promise. Germany In regard to Germany, it was decided that the defeated nation would be divided into three zones of occupation, one for each of the Allies, with a similar plan for the city of Berlin. While Roosevelt and Churchill advocated for a fourth zone for the French, Stalin would only acquiesce if the territory was taken from the American and British zones. After reasserting that only unconditional surrender would be acceptable the Big Three agreed that Germany would undergo demilitarization and denazification, as well as that some war reparations would be in the form of forced labor. Japan Pressing on the issue of Japan, Roosevelt secured a promise from Stalin to enter the conflict ninety days after the defeat of Germany. In return for Soviet military support, Stalin demanded and received American diplomatic recognition of Mongolian independence from Nationalist China. Caving on this point, Roosevelt hoped to deal with the Soviets through the United Nations, which Stalin did agree to join after voting procedures in the Security Council were defined. Returning to European affairs, it was jointly agreed that the original, prewar governments would be returned to liberated countries. Exceptions were made in the cases of France, whose government had become collaborationist, and Romania and Bulgaria where the Soviets had effectively dismantled the governmental systems. Further supporting this was a statement that all displaced civilians would be returned to their countries of origin. Ending on February 11, the three leaders departed Yalta in a celebratory mood. This initial view of the conference was shared by the people in each nation, but ultimately proved short-lived. With Roosevelts death in April 1945, relations between the Soviets and the West became increasingly tense. Aftermath As Stalin reneged on promises concerning Eastern Europe, perception of Yalta changed and Roosevelt was blamed for effectively ceding Eastern Europe to the Soviets. While his poor health may have affected his judgment, Roosevelt was able to secure some concessions from Stalin during the meeting. Despite this, many came to view the meeting as a sellout that greatly encouraged Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe and northeast Asia. The leaders of the Big Three would meet again that July for the Potsdam Conference. During the meeting, Stalin was effectively able to have the decisions of Yalta ratified as he was able to take advantage of new US President Harry S. Truman and a change of power in Britain that saw Churchill replaced partway through the conference by Clement Attlee.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Don Bosco essays

Don Bosco essays John was born in 1815 in Recchi, Italy. When John was two, his father died prematurely. As a boy, John lived on a farm with his family doing the only thing they knew how, farming. Poverty and a lack of formal education in the home did not stop the growth of John Bosco as a person. His mother was for real, realizing the importance of God in life ( Getting a formal education was a constant struggle for John. The family finances being what they were, his brothers felt that he was wasting time, energy, and money and that it would be better for all if he stopped going to school and worked on the farm, earning money ( At age nine John had a dream in which he saw himself changing children from beasts into lambs. He decided immediately to become a priest and devote his life to children, and began at once. He haunted every circus and fair; learned to walk tight-ropes, do acrobatics, and become a conjurer at the cost of an often broken nose ( He must have understood physical fitness for as a youngster he was known and respected as the town's acrobat and juggler. Many would assemble to witness his tricks. He was then able to provide fascinating entertainment that would end with the rosary and a verbatim repetition of the previous Sunday's sermon. What was amazing is the fact that before any performance he would ask his audience to join him in prayer. God was his friend This friendship with God became powerful and slowly John prepared for the priesthood ( In 1841 at the age of 26, John was ordained priest. He was now ready to make his contribution toward the poor and homeless ( ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Big Cities Vs Small Towns Cultural Studies Essay

Big Cities Vs Small Towns Cultural Studies Essay When speaking to an individual of experience, possibly an explorer or an elder, someone may be informed about the way people from particular towns behave. Such as, ‘people from big cities are always in rush’ or ‘citizens from smaller towns are friendlier’. As John Jake states, â€Å"The big city and small town have been stereotyped in the American experience as being at opposite ends of an imagined social gradient–the former more a place of cold impersonality in social relations and the latter more a place of warm personalized community. Assumptions about urban-based â€Å"mass society† largely blinded Americans through the twentieth century to the existence of, and importance of, locality-based community in big cities. Early in the century, most urban Americans emigrated from rural and small town circumstances, bringing to the nation’s cities strong rural and small town proclivities at neighboring. Both central city working-class neig hborhoods and affluent suburbs mirrored the small town.†(Jakle,1) But, for someone born, raised and living in that small town, these differences may seem clearly an opinion, and perhaps some distinctions are. So why, then do so many people prefer one type of life style over the other? Specific characteristics such as economics, population, crime rate, traffic, city planning and also architecture, differentiate one region from the next. In order to form an opinion, one must analyze two towns on opposing ends of the spectrum. By comparing two towns: a small town, and also a busy suburb, the differences in the characteristics of citizens, the city, and their daily life, make it seem as though small towns and big cities are practically from different countries. As John Jake confirms, â€Å"America’s small towns and big cities occupy opposite ends of an urban spectrum. Early in the twentieth century, commentators on American life clearly differentiated towns and cities as s ocially different–the two kinds of place sustaining very different ways of life.†(Jakle,1) In a small town, at first one might notice the appearance. It is not generally uncommon to see an assorted crew of soiled young children come running into the neighborhood supermarket without shirts or shoes and buy candy. The cashier, rather than ushering the inadequately clothed children out the door, asks them how their parents have been, they just so happen to live next door. This sort of incident would not go over so well in a big city. The same young children would have been asked to leave and later admonished by their parents for going out in public looking so disarrayed. For example, in a Clockwork Orange a young fifteen-year-old boy known only by the name of Alex is the antihero. Alex and his three â€Å"droogs† are a gang of youngsters who goes around in the dangerous streets of London, fighting, raping, pillaging, and all the basic doings generally associated wit h anarchy. In a small town, this would be less likely to happen. Overalls, dirty jeans and hats are not uncommon apparel for citizens out running errands and are almost a necessity for the distinguished elderly man. Aside from the readily differences, citizens of small towns seem to have contrasting personality traits as well. Take the scene of a crowded store during the holidays, for instance. In a busy, crowded big city, a shopper with a cart overflowing with items in the checkout lane would simply be focused on checking out and planning on where they need to go next. However in a small sleepy town, that same shopper may check to see if the person just behind them, with only a couple of items, might want to go ahead. Then, possibly even strike up a conversation with a total stranger. As John Jake explains, † To Simmel, large cities overloaded residents with social stimuli, producing in people defensive behaviors both patterned and regularized. The urban personality was reser ved and detached. Contact person-to-person in the city might be face-to-face, but even those encounters tended to the impersonal, the superficial, and the transitory (Wirth 1938). The metropolis was seen as a mass of separate individuals variously practicing social avoidance, especially in public spaces. City streets were seen as cold and unfriendly (Gross 1965). Small towns, on the other hand, with limited populations interacting in limited geographical areas, tended not to produce social overload. There, people could personalize relationships, even the cursory spontaneities of chance encounter in public space. Small town streets were warm and friendly. The idealized small town was likened to a nurturing extended family, whereas the city was made out to be a place of alienated individuals (Smith 1966).†(Jakle,1) Another strange exception happens to be a relative disregard for locking the doors at night or even at all. This such behavior is unheard of in the big cities of larg er towns. In small towns neighbors have a tendency to look out for the good of the neighborhood, and are always cautious, but with such low crime occurrences, such preventative measures as door-locking are not required.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Case study - Essay Example The stress may have been one of the results as to why she contracted bipolar disorder. According to McDonald 2005 stress situations have been known to trigger bipolar disorder especially for those people who have a genetic vulnerability. The stress might have been as a result of the work environment which was not very conducive. Catherine did not have the courage to reveal that she was suffering from a dipolar disorder. This made the situation even worse since it added to her stress. Deciding on what step to take was the most difficult situation for her and it actually amplified her stress. She did not want to leave the job since it was the only source of living for her, her husband and their child. On the other hand, she was afraid to tell the manager that she was suffering from the condition since she feared she might be promoted again. Further, resigning was also a difficult action for her having witnessed how people who had resigned before had been treated by the managers. All th ese situations became too much for Catherine and her condition did not improve, instead it worsened. Catherine was lacking of self- confidence; she did not have self- esteem and did not even have the courage to talk about her situation. ... Self –disclosure is not easy and in most cases is â€Å"it depends on the relationship that exist between the involved parties and the trust they have for each other† (Hargie, 2011). Self-disclosure has a number of benefits and it has some risks as well. For instance, in some cultures, self –disclosure is an important element in a relationship. For two people to form a kind of a relationship, they must know one another (Schwartz, Galliher & Domenech, 2011). Therefore, if Catherine discloses herself to the management, there is a possibility that the relationship will improve (Corrigan, Kosyluk & Rusch, 2013). The management will understand her situation and therefore they will be likely to do what they can so as to help Catherine. Her working environment will improve since the management will provide her with what she needs to recover. She might be given an extended leave to go and rest and this might be important to improve the situation. Self –disclosure is likely to help Catherine in positive development and this will be beneficial considering her condition. According to Maata and Uusiautti (2013), communication is important is it improves the status of any form of relationship. This could also be applicable in the relationship between Catherine and the rest of the workers in the organization as well as with the managers. The workers have been seen to discuss her since her return to work and also make smiles about her. This has affected her relationship with them and it is only through self-disclosure that the situation is likely to improve. She will be better positioned to manage the situation. Self –disclosure on the other hand might be risky. It is not always one will be appreciated when they talk to others about themselves. Self- disclosure may lead

MGMT305 U3 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGMT305 U3 IP - Research Paper Example The online community is large and riddled with potential buyers and targeting the right content can help increase conversions and therefore sales. In particular, small and medium sized businesses are effectively employing social media channels and the web to increase their presence on the Internet thereby helping them build awareness about their business and attract potential customers. Matt’s Pizzeria is a local neighborhood pizzeria located at the corner of the street and the business is a small scale sole proprietorship owned by Mathew Pillington. The pizzeria sells ready to eat pizza and also specializes in making its own pizza dough and pizza sauce which is quite popular among the local community. The pizzeria is famous for its delicious pizza however it lacks online presence. By building an online blog or website, Matt’s Pizzeria can expand and grow its business in order to build awareness and cater to the taste buds of neighboring pizza lovers. Wind and Mahajan (2002) describe the new digital model as being based on knowledge rather than tangible assets as in the traditional business models. Similarly, for a successful online presence it is essential to carefully craft the content of the website or blog in order to target potential customers. The new business models define a revolutionized form of customer-business interaction at times of uncer tain external environment. Social media including Twitter and Facebook allow two way communications between business and potential consumers thereby enabling informative exchanges and real time feedback. In addition to opening a website, Matt’s Pizzeria can also create a Twitter account and a Facebook page for its business. This could help promote their business and help the business to quantify its growth and success in terms of analytical metrics. Content creation plays a vital role in attracting customers on social media

Case study assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment - Case Study Example Although it will be uncomfortable to call the Vice President of Engineering and inform him concerning the potential problems/delay, oversight with regard to this issue is fundamental if the correct seris of choices will be made as the deadline for this project nears. Moreover, another rational for this response to be put forward by this student has to do with the fact that if the situation escalates, the Vice President of Engineering alongside many other high profile individuals within the company will be irate with regard to the fact that this issue was not brought to their attention prior to it causing a work stoppage or hardships/ill will/or even legal trouble between the producer and the client. Unfortunately, even though the Vice President will be upset with regard to the fact that this issue threatens to derail the timeline that was already delayed, seeking to be forthcoming with respect to this issue is ultimately the best approach. B) Option B does presents Tim with the possibility of including old components as a function of meeting the Vice President’s directions to merely â€Å"get the stuff done†; however, the best approach within situation A & B is to seek to return to the production line and finish the products utilizing newly crafted components and hoping that the impurity levels will be low enough to pass quality control. C) In the case that Arnold is out of town when Tim calls him, it is incumbent upon him to attempt to reach out to him on an emergency contact number or to escalate this situation to the next layer of management. Although it is true that Tim will be uncomfortable with going up the chain of command higher and higher, the need to do this so that further heartache with respect to the production process and customer dissatisfaction will not occur in the future. Explaining the situation from the very beginning is the best way to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Accounting and Reporting Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting and Reporting Principles - Essay Example In the same audit, the revenues should as well be traced so they can give opinions as to whether all cash received as taxes or government revenues are properly recorded and remitted to the town’s treasury. The journal entries below record the issuance by the town of a three-year note to purchase police vehicles. The journal entries recorded in the general journals of the General Fund differ from those recorded in the general journals for governmental activities at the government-wide level. The General Fund general journal reflects the creation of temporary accounts – namely, Other Financing Sources-Proceeds of Three-Year Note and Expenditures-Capital Outlay – upon the issuance of notes and the purchase of the vehicles. On the other hand, the government-wide level general journal reflects the recording of assets and liabilities, namely the Transportation Equipment and the Notes Payable. This is because the accounting books of the General Fund are mostly concerned only with the inflow and outflow of the current financial resources of the town. Meanwhile, the books for the government-wide entity should show all transactions affecting the net assets of the town; thus, the specific accounts such as Transportation Equipment, Notes Payable, then subsequently, the Depreciation Expense and Interest Expense are used. General Ledger Debit Credit General Fund: Cash 120,000 Other Financing Sources-Proceeds of Three-Year Note 120,000 To record the issuance of the 3-year note. Expenditures - Capital Outlay 120,000 Cash 120,000 To record the purchase of 4 police vehicles. Governmental Activities, Government-wide: Cash 120,000 Notes Payable 120,000 To record the issuance of the 3-year note. Transportation Equipment 120,000 Cash 120,000 To record the purchase of 4 police vehicles. Works Cited Accounting for Government and Nonprofit Entities (as

Discussion Question 2 Week 9 Global Intellectual Property Rights Assignment

Discussion Question 2 Week 9 Global Intellectual Property Rights - Assignment Example only plausible and viable means to preserve ownership and motivate talents to continue in discovery, creation, innovation, and invention, as required. There were reported cases against pharmaceutical companies which allegedly manufacture drugs in generic form that are more accessible and affordable. Likewise, there were disclosed cases against stealing copyrighted music and copying books online (Evans, 2002). One copyright case which was Perfect 10 v. Google which reportedly â€Å"claims that Google’s Image Search service violates copyright law by indexing Perfect 10 photos posted on unauthorized websites, then making and delivering thumbnail images of those photos in its search results† (American Library Association, 2013, p. 1). As noted, Google was asked by the lower court to remove links to websites containing photos from Perfect 10; but the Court of Appeals had apparently favored more of Google’s arguments (American Library Association, 2013). Likewise, one patent case was about software patents: the CLS Bank v. Alice case, where it allegedly involves â€Å"some software concerning doing a "shadow transaction" to see if there are really enough funds to complete a transaction, before completing the actual transaction† (Masnick, 2013, p. 1). The courts apparently made the correct decisions given the presented evidences and in support for weighing which party has comprehensively provided justification for their respective arguments. 2. Determine the key legal and ethical issues surrounding the ability of pharmaceutical companies to patent and exploit plant-derived substances, and suggest at least one way in which a company might provide compensation besides direct / individual payments. Some of the key legal and ethical issues surrounding the ability of pharmaceutical companies to patent and exploit plant-derived substances include identifying and restricting boundaries for exploiting plant species; using animals or even human beings to test efficacy of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case study assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment - Case Study Example Although it will be uncomfortable to call the Vice President of Engineering and inform him concerning the potential problems/delay, oversight with regard to this issue is fundamental if the correct seris of choices will be made as the deadline for this project nears. Moreover, another rational for this response to be put forward by this student has to do with the fact that if the situation escalates, the Vice President of Engineering alongside many other high profile individuals within the company will be irate with regard to the fact that this issue was not brought to their attention prior to it causing a work stoppage or hardships/ill will/or even legal trouble between the producer and the client. Unfortunately, even though the Vice President will be upset with regard to the fact that this issue threatens to derail the timeline that was already delayed, seeking to be forthcoming with respect to this issue is ultimately the best approach. B) Option B does presents Tim with the possibility of including old components as a function of meeting the Vice President’s directions to merely â€Å"get the stuff done†; however, the best approach within situation A & B is to seek to return to the production line and finish the products utilizing newly crafted components and hoping that the impurity levels will be low enough to pass quality control. C) In the case that Arnold is out of town when Tim calls him, it is incumbent upon him to attempt to reach out to him on an emergency contact number or to escalate this situation to the next layer of management. Although it is true that Tim will be uncomfortable with going up the chain of command higher and higher, the need to do this so that further heartache with respect to the production process and customer dissatisfaction will not occur in the future. Explaining the situation from the very beginning is the best way to

Discussion Question 2 Week 9 Global Intellectual Property Rights Assignment

Discussion Question 2 Week 9 Global Intellectual Property Rights - Assignment Example only plausible and viable means to preserve ownership and motivate talents to continue in discovery, creation, innovation, and invention, as required. There were reported cases against pharmaceutical companies which allegedly manufacture drugs in generic form that are more accessible and affordable. Likewise, there were disclosed cases against stealing copyrighted music and copying books online (Evans, 2002). One copyright case which was Perfect 10 v. Google which reportedly â€Å"claims that Google’s Image Search service violates copyright law by indexing Perfect 10 photos posted on unauthorized websites, then making and delivering thumbnail images of those photos in its search results† (American Library Association, 2013, p. 1). As noted, Google was asked by the lower court to remove links to websites containing photos from Perfect 10; but the Court of Appeals had apparently favored more of Google’s arguments (American Library Association, 2013). Likewise, one patent case was about software patents: the CLS Bank v. Alice case, where it allegedly involves â€Å"some software concerning doing a "shadow transaction" to see if there are really enough funds to complete a transaction, before completing the actual transaction† (Masnick, 2013, p. 1). The courts apparently made the correct decisions given the presented evidences and in support for weighing which party has comprehensively provided justification for their respective arguments. 2. Determine the key legal and ethical issues surrounding the ability of pharmaceutical companies to patent and exploit plant-derived substances, and suggest at least one way in which a company might provide compensation besides direct / individual payments. Some of the key legal and ethical issues surrounding the ability of pharmaceutical companies to patent and exploit plant-derived substances include identifying and restricting boundaries for exploiting plant species; using animals or even human beings to test efficacy of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Class in America Essay Example for Free

Class in America Essay Myth 1: The United States is fundamentally a classless society. Class distinctions are largely irrelevant today, and whatever differences do exist in economic standing, they are for the most part- insignificant Myth 2: We are, essentially, a middle-class nation Myth 3: We are all getting richer. The American public as a whole is steadily moving up the economic ladder, and each generation propels itself to greater economic well-being Myth 4: Everyone has an equal chance to succeed Reality 1: There are enormous differences in the economic standing of American citizens. A sizable proportion of the U.S. population occupies opposite ends of the economic spectrum. In the middle ranger of the economic spectrum: Sixty percent of the American population holds less than 6 percent of the nations wealth. Between 1979 and 2000, the gap in household income between the top fifth and middle fifth of the population by 31 percent. During the economic boom of the 19990s, four out of five Americans saw their share of net worth decline, while the top fifth saw their share increase from 59 percent to 63 percent. Reality 2: The middle class in the United States hold a very small share of the nations wealth and that share is declining steadily. The gap between rich and poor and between rich and the middle class is larger than it has even been. Reality 3: Class affects more than life-style and material well-being. It has significant impact on our physical and mental well-being as well. Researchers have found an inverse relationship between social class and health. Lower-class standing is correlated to higher rates of infant mortality, eye and ear disease, arthritis, physical disability, diabetes, nutritional deficiency, respiratory disease, mental illness, and heart disease Reality 4: From cradle to grave, the class standing has a significant impact on our chances for survival. Reality 5: Class standing has a significant impact on chances for educational achievement. Class standing, and consequently life chances, are largely determined at birth†¦ One study showed that fewer than one in five men surpass the economic status of their fathers. For those whose annual income is in six figures, economic success is due in large part to  the wealth and privileges bestowed on them at birth.† (Mantsios, Class in America- 2003) This article, the myths and realities Mantsios addresses show that in fact people in the United States do not have the simple, easy, freedom of just becoming rich and it is not just a matter of working hard to get there. The class system and the power of oppression keep citizens in the classes they are born into. One who is born into a lower class in the U.S. is at a constant disadvantage from birth. The statistics Mantsios uses illustrate the economic gap between the rich and the middle class and the rich and the poor in the United States- showing an increase in the gap: â€Å"the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.† The fact that laws and the class systems are acting as traps to keep the people in poverty, or at least keep them from becoming affluent, is a violent act. And as an even more literal act of violence, even though it isnt much of an act, the correlation between poverty and disease is outrageous. And so again, poverty is violence

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Joseph Nicéphore contributed to the early development of photography.

How Joseph Nicà ©phore contributed to the early development of photography. How Joseph Nicà ©phore contributed to the early development of photography. Born Joseph Nià ©pce March 7th 1765, Nià ©pce developed Heliography, a process of printing, which then lead on to the creation of world oldest surviving product of a photography process. A military veteran and previous teacher, Nià ©pce found a passion for inventing working alongside his older brother Claude, during their time working together they made many successful inventions including; The pyrà ©ophore: the world’s first internal combustion engine for propelling boats. Therefor photography wasn’t his first interest and he spent almost 20 years with his brother Claude promoting and improving The Pyrà ©ophore, which then resulted in Claude moving to England. During this time the only time to capture a moment was by using a Camera Obscura, a device which consists of a box or a room with a hole in one side. Light from an external scene then passes through the hole and strikes a surface inside the box where it is reproduced rotated 180 degrees but with the colour perspective preserved. The image then could be projected on the paper in which then it can be traced using a steady hand and patience. Nicà ©phore used this method many times but felt he did not have the skilful hand in drawing to pursue this method effectively. Then during 1813 the invention of Lithography swept France, Lithography was a printing process in which it used an image drawn with oil, fat, or wax onto the surface of a smooth lithographic limestone plate. The stone was treated with a mixture of acid and gum Arabic, etching the proportions of the stone which were not protected by the grease-based image. When the stone is subsequently moistened, these etched areas retained water; an oil-based ink could then be applied and would be repelled by the water, sticking only to the original. The ink would then finally be transferred to a blank paper sheet, producing a printed page. This method was made from the concept of oil and water being unable to mix. This new craze then caught Nicà ©phore’s attention after there being many inventors who trialled and tested the camera obscura and finding a way to reproduced and image without having to drawing it yourself. Nicà ©phore trailed the use of lithography with the camera obsucra for six years until he finally came up with Heliography. Heliography is a process which uses Bitumen of Judea, a naturally occurring asphalt, as a coating on glass or metal, the glass or metal is the inserted into the camera obscura in place where the light will come through the hole. It hardens in proportion to its exposure to light, when the plate is washed with oil of lavender only the hardened areas remained, producing a photo printed on the glass or metal. After mastering this process Nicà ©phore travelled to England in 1827 to visit his older brother Claude, there he was introduced to Francis Bauer, a noted botanist, who recognised the importance of Nicà ©phore and encouraged him to write about his invention of heliography. Bauer then went on to help Nicà ©phore in producing his work by providing introductions to present his paper and heliographs to the Royal Society. All of the specimens in which Nicà ©phore referred to as ‘Les Premiers’, were rejected and returned to him because he chose not to fully disclose his process. After this Nicà ©phore returned to Le Gras continuing his experiments, in 1829 he agreed to a ten year partnership with Louis Jacques Mandà © Daguerre to help develop his work. Nicà ©phore continued with his experiments hoping for recognition and success with heliography. During this time both Nicà ©phore and Daguerre were working together to create Daguerreotype, a printing process which devel oped from heliography. Daguerreotype is made by coating a copper plate with a silver iodide and being exposed to light in the camera obscura, the copper plate is then fumed with a mercury vapour and fixed by a solution of salt, forming a permanent image. The first image produced using the Daguerreotype was in 1837, by which time Nicà ©phore had died, so it was a name in which Daguerre took. Daguerreotype then became very commercialised and shadowed Nicà ©phore and his progression with Heliography to form Daguerreotype due to his partner taking most of the credit. Even though Daguerre went on to name the process and get the profit, without Nicà ©phore the process wouldn’t have even existed for Daguerre to succeed in. The early development of photography was created and pioneered by many people, it was almost as if every single inventor put their own input into the creation of photography. Nicephore was inspired by Lithography invented by Alois Senefelder and The Camera Obscura invented by Alhazen from this Nicephore then shared his passion and influenced his parted Daguerre who then went on to inspire and develop more methods of photography to the point were at today. It is still being debated now upon who in fact took the first photograph, it is stated throughout Geoffrey Batchen’s â€Å"burning with desire; the concept of photography† in chapter four that there is many possibilities into which the first ever photograph was and who was the photographer. The pictures promise more stable evidence for the point of origin to the history of the medium, but historians have offered very little detail analysis of the images at issue so there is no exact date upon what photo or what process was first. Nicephore is mentioned and his photographs are analysed within this chapter, it describes the trials he went through to get to the creation of heliography and the photos and prints that still remain to this day. The one photo that was spoke about the most was his â€Å"View from the window at Le Gras 1827,† it speaks about how they tried to reproduce this photo but failed due to the ‘foundation stone’ being impossible to rep roduce, it was then sent to Kodak Research Laboratory where they produced what Gernsheim describes as a â€Å"greatly distorted image which no way corresponded with the original. A travesty of the truth.† Consequently Gernsheim then went on to touch up this copy for two days with water colour abolishing hundreds of light spots and blotches and giving the image a â€Å"pointillistic effect† that he admits is completely unfamiliar to the medium. He reassured the people that it was only an estimate of the original and it was similar to the drawing that he has made before any of the reproductions had even existed. This image then went on to feauture in his ‘The photographic journal’ in 1952; it appears as â€Å"the world’s earliest photograph† in his The Origins of photography 1982. The same reproduction of the photo and claim also appear in a vast number of more recent histories of photography. Even though the Daguerreotype overshadowed Nicà ©phore’s hard work and determination with heliography at the time, he is still remembered today to be a pioneer and inventor in photography, and for him to still be looked back on today proves how much of and influence he was to our world. Without his determination and curiosity we wouldn’t have the ability to capture and keep a moment or share it with the world and potentially pursue and career in the profession. BBC GCSE Physics The invention of photography by Nicephore Niepce. 2014. BBC GCSE Physics The invention of photography by Nicephore Niepce. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8th November 2014 heliography YouTube. 2014. heliography YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11th November 2014]. History of photography: Nià ©pce pictures. 2014. History of photography: Nià ©pce pictures. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11th November 2014]. Joseph Nicà ©phore Nià ©pce: The First Photograph. 2014. Joseph Nicà ©phore Nià ©pce: The First Photograph. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8th November 2014]. Geoffrey Batchen (1999). Burning With Desire: The Conception Of Photography. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge, Mass. : The MIT Press. p120-p127.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Vegetarianism is the Better Choice Essay -- Diet Vegetarian

The trend of abstaining from eating meat and other animal products is a rapidly growing one. According to David Bender in Animal Rights Opposing Viewpoints, â€Å"Today, nearly twenty million Americans are vegetarians, and many more have greatly reduced their meat consumption† (139). One meat-eating person may ponder why these non-meat eaters would deprive themselves of the wonderful taste of meat and animal products. Another concern is over nutrition, mainly protein intake. Many meat eaters believe that a vegetarian diet does not and cannot supply the protein necessary for the body to function properly. There are many misconceptions (like the one above) and unknown facts associated with the vegetarian lifestyle. This essay will deal with the issue of nutrition and reveal the truth about how the vegetarian diet can improve one’s well being by, making weigh loss easier, boosting the level of energy one feels on a day to day basis, reducing the risks of Atheseriousis, can cer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and heart disease. There are also many unknown facts associated with the vegetarian way of life. One of which is the great role vegetarians play in reducing the amount of waste in the environment. What this statement means is that by not eating meat one is promoting the use of farmland for food for humans instead of farmland for grazing animals (this greatly reduces water usage and waste; it also cuts down on the acreage of farm land used.) Water usage will become an increasing problem if more people do not find and implement water conservation methods. According to data taken from John Robbins in Diet for a New America, if something is not done, the water in the Texas aquifers will be exhausted in less than thirty-five years (1). For reasons that will become clearer after reading this essay, vegetarianism seems to be an answer to the problem of water usage. With the increasing amount of land being used for farming to mainly feed animals used for food by us, comes increased soil erosion and leeching. Leeching is a term used to describe the process of the loss of nutrients from the soil, and the end result is sand that cannot support plant life. Vegetarians help to reduce the amount of farmlands needed to support animals. According to Robbins, in Diet for a New America, â€Å"Since 1967, the rate of deforestation in the U.S. has been one acre every five second... ...nd most veal calves are subjected to confinement so severe that they cannot even turn around† (134). The purpose for this treatment is so the animals expend as little energy (in the form of calories) as possible so that the animal gains weight substantially quicker. The raising of other â€Å"food animals† is quite similar to the treatment that pigs and veal receive. â€Å"Food animals† are often fed contaminated food, which poisons them and their meat. Dangerous heavy metals build up in manure, bones, and internal organs, such as kidneys and livers, and are then recycled back through livestock as feed. The diseased organisms that survive in animal tissue processed into feed can infect the livestock and inevitably infect us as well. When one considers the serious health risks of a meat and dairy based diet, the environmental devastation caused by animal agriculture, the huge waste of resources in a world faced with chronic human starvation, and the violence to and suffering of billions of animals the switch to vegetarianism makes perfect sense. Even if one is not willing to completely give up meat, just eating meat at less often will make a difference in ones health, and the environment.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Potassium :: essays research papers fc

Potassium   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Potassium is a vital element in the human body. Potassium had never been distinguished between sodium until the eighteenth century. Before potassium was recognized as an element, potassium carbonate was mixed with animal fat to make soap. It was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in England, in 1807. Sir Davy was able to isolate potassium using electrolysis. Potassium was the first metal isolated by this procedure. Today, it is still not found free in nature. It is obtained by electrolysis of chloride or hydroxide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Potassium is a solid silvery white element. It is soft and can be cut with a knife. Potassium is the least dense known metal, besides lithium. It is the seventh most abundant element. It makes up about 1.5% by weight of the earth's crust. It decomposes in water because of the hydrogen. It usually catches fire during reaction with water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Potassium is an essential component for plant growth. Potassium is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than most other mineral elements. Potassium is supplied to plants by soil minerals, organic materials, and inorganic fertilizer. Potassium is not found in organic combination with plant tissues. Potassium plays an essential role in the metabolic processes of plants. Potassium also is essential in carbohydrate metabolism, a process by which energy is obtained from sugar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Potassium is one of the most important elements in human diet. To begin with, potassium works with sodium for various reasons. For example, it helps to regulate body waste, control heart rhythms, and assist in reducing high blood pressure. It also aids in clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain. This element is crucial to the maintenance of the nervous system and the muscular system. Potassium is an electrolyte, and therefor regulates the balance of fluids inside and outside the cells, including blood.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The human body needs potassium to function. The body may become short of potassium in many situations. Excessive physical activity, severe cases of stress, drinking of alcohol or coffee all consume the potassium in the body leaving the person with a deficiency of the mineral. As a result of this deficiency severe fatigues, muscle weakness, nervous disorders, cardiac arrest, and poor reflexes can occur. Too much potassium in the body may result in dehydration. The kidneys can retain or get rid of too much potassium. Either extreme is dangerous for the body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If potassium is such a vital nutrient to the human body it has to be a mineral that can be found in a regular diet.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mixture Lab Write Up

| Separation of a Salt, Sand, and Water Mixture| Jamie Schurz and Austin Hoggard| | Date experiment was performed: September 6 and September 7| | | Introduction Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to use various lab equipment and lab techniques to separate a mixture of salt, sand, and water. Background: An element is the simplest form of a substance that retains the properties of that substance. A compound is a substance formed by combining two or more elements set in fixed proportions. A mixture is a system of two or more distinct chemical substances. Unlike compounds, mixtures can be physically combined.Because the components are physically combined, they can also be separated using physical properties. Physical properties are properties that do not change the chemical nature of matter. In this lab, a mixture of salt and sand will be separated using the listed equipment and separation techniques. Hypothesis: If a mixture of sand (3. 3g), salt (1. 2g), and water is separated using filtration and boiling point, then most of the sand and salt will be recovered. Safety Information: During the experiment, appropriate safety wear should be worn at all times such as: goggles and an apron (to prevent salt or hot water from entering the eye).Beaker tongs should be used to remove the heater beaker from the appropriate heating fixture and then it should be carefully transported onto the designated pressed fiber pad to cool. Materials and Methods * * Graduated cylinder * Small beaker (100 mL) * Large beaker (600 mL) * Hot plate * Small ring * Funnel * Filter paper * Glass stir rod with rubber policeman * Hot mitts * Beaker tongs * Pressed fiber pad * Weigh boat * Electronic balance * Scoops * Salt and sand sample * water Experimental Procedure 1. Put on appropriate safety wear. 2. Begin this experiment with 47 mL of water, 1. 2 g of salt, and 3. g of sand. * Use the 100 graduated cylinder to find the 47 mL of water, reading from the meniscus. * Put the weigh boat onto the electronic balance and zero it out, then slowly add the salt until you have 1. 2 grams of it. Do the same for the sand. * Also mass the larger of the two beakers 3. Combine the 1. 2g of salt and 47 mL of water into the 100 mL beaker and stir until the salt is dissolved 4. Add the sand and wait until it settles onto the bottom of the beaker. 5. Mass the filter paper and then fold it into a small cone. Wet sides before placing into funnel that is inside a ring stand.Place larger beaker underneath funnel. 6. Slowly pour sand and salt mixture through filter paper. Let the sand dry. 7. Take large beaker with salt and water and place on top of a hot plate. Set hot plate onto its highest setting and let boil. 8. Once salt starts popping lower temperature on hot plate. When most of the water has evaporated remove from hot plate using beaker tongs and let rest on pressed fiber pad. 9. Turn hot plate off. 10. Mass out recovered sand and salt. Results Raw Data: object| Mass (g)| start ing mass of salt| 1. 2g| Starting mass of sand| 3. 3g|Dry filter paper| 0. 7g| Larger of the 2 beakers| 103. 1g| Total mass of beaker/salt (after)| 105. 3g| Mass of recovered salt| 2. 2g| Total mass of filter paper/sand (after)| 4. 1g| Mass of recovered sand| 3. 4g| Important results: * The mass of recovered salt was 2. 2g * The mass of recovered sand was 3. 4g * The percent error for the mass of recovered salt was 83% error * The percent error for the mass of the recovered sand was 3% * The percent yield for the mass of the recovered salt was 183% * The percent yield for the mass of the recovered sand was 103% Calculations:Discussion Expected results v. Actual results: In the experiment, the mass of the salt recovered was larger than the mass of the amount of salt that was started out with. This may be due to the tap water that was used not being pure or that some sand was small enough to not be filtered out. Analyze experimental error: During the experiment, instead of measuring t he water out to exactly 47mL, around 60 mL of water was used. This could have caused there to be extra water during the final measurement.There was not enough time to boil off the extra water; this was done by another person later without either partner in the group supervising. Also, when looking for the sand sample the next day, it was missing; so another group’s sand data was massed instead Improvements: Having a longer time to conduct the experiment might have changed the data. Instead of leaving the sand sample in the open on a table to all classes, it may have been better for them to be separated more. Results in terms of the purpose: The goal was to get most of the salt and sand back through filtration and evaporation.Most of the sand was recovered; however there was a great deal of added mass to the salt (around 1g). The goal was met as far as data is concerned. Conclusion: The goal of the experiment was to see if using boing point and filtration could recover close t o the same amount of salt and sand put together in a mixture. The experiment revealed a percent yield of 183% for salt and 103% for sand, which does support the hypothesis that using those two techniques, about the same amount of salt and sand would be recovered.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Metabolism and Word Niacin

When you hear the word Niacin, what does it mean to you? What about Vitamin B3? You may have seen them on the back of cereal boxes, energy drinks or even in your daily multivitamin. Well they are in fact one in the same. However vitamin B3 comes in two different forms, nicotinic acid or Niacin and nicotinamide, while nicotinamide is a vitamin it does not have the same practical uses as Niacin. ,,,, Today I am going to tell you a little about the history, biological uses, sources and the consequences of an overdose or deficiency in Niacin. As a Biology major I think it is vital to stress the importance of getting the suggested daily dose of Niacin. But first let’s discuss the history of Niacin. ,,,,, According to vitamin-basics. com, the structure of Niacin was first described by the Austrian chemist, Hugo Weidel in 1873 at the Vienna University of Technology, while studying the reaction of nicotine with nitric acid. Although the product of this reaction, Niacin, was already known Weidel was the first to person to isolate large enough quantities to determine the properties of the material. ,,,, In 1937 a Norwegian emigrant living in Wisconsin by the name of Conrad Elvehjem, extracted and identified a molecule found in the liver as a new vitamin now called niacin. He referred to this vitamin as the â€Å"pellagra-preventing factor†. His isolation of this vitamin directly lead to the cure of pellagra, a disease I will discuss a little later. Now because of nicotinic acid’s new found importance it was though appropriate to come up with a new name. ,,,,, The name, as shown here, comes from combining specific letters in nicotinic acid and vitamin.Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism Now that we've covered some history, I'd like to take a look at some of the uses of Niacin. ,,,,, Niacin along with other B vitamins help our bodies metabolize fats and protein, as well as maintain healthy skin, eyes, hair and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly. ,,,,, Niacin is the precursor to NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH which are essential electron carriers involved in several metabolic pathways including glycolysis and the Citric acid cycle. ,,,,, As you may remember from your high school biology courses, glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain are responsible for creating ATP which is our body’s main energy source. Niacin also plays an important role in DNA repair as well as steroidal hormone production from the adrenal glands. ,,,,,, As a prescription, Niacin is prescribed in quantities ranging from 500mg to 5000mg. Niacin is most commonly used to treat high cholesterol and it does so by lowering your LDL or â€Å"bad† cholesterol and increasing your HDL or â€Å"good† cholesterol. Because Niacin reduces your LDL and increases your HDL it also helps prevent atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries when coupled with other medication. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Niacin is also being tested for the possible treatment and/or prevention of diabetes types one and two as well as for osteoarthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. High doses of Niacin can have its drawbacks so it is crucial to speak to your doctor if at all interested in exploring these avenues of treatment. Now that we have an idea as to what Niacin can do, you may be asking: what are some common sources of Niacin? ,,,,, Well, Niacin can be found in a wide variety of foods including: liver, chicken, fish, milk, eggs, nuts, whole grain products and mushrooms among others. But food is not the only source of Niacin. ,,,,, Many multivitamins have Niacin including centrum, which contains 100 percent of the suggest daily value or 20mg. ,,,,, But, probably the most common source of Niacin amongst today’s youth is energy drinks, including red bull and 5 hour energy. In fact 5 hour energy has between 30 to 40mg of Niacin, which is way more than the average person requires. ,,,,, The suggest daily value of Niacin as per the united states department of agriculture is as follows: children 6 to 8 mg per day, for adult males 16mg per day, adult females 14 mg per day, pregnant women 18 mg per day and breastfeeding women 17 mg per day. Now that we know how much Niacin we should be getting daily, let’s look at what happens when we get too much or not enough. ,,,,,, Niacin flush is a distinct redness of the skin caused by the overconsumption of Niacin. This skin flush is often accompanied by itching, dry skin and skin rashes including eczema. Niacin flush typically lasts 15 to 30 minutes as Niacin is water soluble and is thus easily removed from the body through urine. However, not everyone who overdoes on Niacin will experience these symptoms at all. Niacin flush can be minimized or avoided completely by taking 300mg of aspirin, approximately one tablet, half an hour before taking Niacin, taking one tablet of ibuprofen per day or by taking the Niacin with a meal. ,,,,,, On the other hand a chronic lack of Niacin can result in Pellagra. The most common reasons for this Niacin deficiency are dietary or the result of another disorder, such as Hartnup’s disease which is a hereditary disease that affects the intestines and kidneys, making it difficult for the body to break down and absorb tryptophan, the amino acid required for Niacin synthesis. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid meaning it must be ingested; it cannot be produced within the body. Pellagra is a disease that was first described in Spain in 1937. Characteristically the victims of Pellagra suffer from what is known as â€Å"the four Ds† which are: diarrhea, dermatitis or skin lesions, dementia and death. As previously mentioned the isolation of nicotinic acid in 1937 lead to the eradication of Pellagra in the following years in the form of oral niacin supplements. There are still some future applications of Niacin in the medical field that have not been fully explored. In the past several minutes you have listened to me talk about the history, some sources of Niacin, how we as people use Niacin on a daily bases as well as the consequences of a Niacin overdose or deficiency. I really hope you learned something new from all of this and maybe the next time you see your doctor you can discuss how Niacin can best help you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Candide by Nate Ziefert Essay -- book critique, French satire novella

Candide is a French satire novella first published in 1759 by Gabriel Cramer in Paris, France, and written by Franà §ois-Marie Arouet, or Voltaire, his pen name, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. This book was chosen to show what life was like in France prior to the French Revolution and to provide an overview of the political issues of that period. Reading the book provided context for discussing various themes, including the importance of reason, the corruption of the church, money and power, inequality, which were all-pressing issues in the time period we studied. The book was useful to our course of studies because it detailed what life was like in France during the middle of the 18th century and provided context for what was taught in class--for example corruption by powerful forces in French society, such as the unfair treatment and pay between serfs and their feudal lords. A number of historical events lead Voltaire to write Candide. The first was the publication of Leibniz's "Monadology", an essay discussing Leibniz’ philosophy of optimism. Two other historical events, the Seven Years’ War and the 1775 Lisbon earthquake, also provided inspiration to Voltaire. The close of the Leibniz’ piece, "Therefore this is the best of all possible worlds", serves as the primary basis for Voltaire’s satire. Things were not so good in France, at the time for the majority of the French people and there was not much reason for optimism. Voltaire rejected Leibnizian optimism because if he was in the best of all possible worlds, a tragic and devastating earthquake should not have occurred. Natural disasters simply do not fit into the philosophy of optimism. Voltaire’s point of view is very logicergy goes into the work, and he stops all of his previous philosophical speculation. Finally, he is content. The text was entertaining, but highly improbable, and provides a good perspective from which to view the culture and politics of Spain and France in the mid-1700’s. The themes—the hypocrisy of religion, the foolishness of optimism, the uselessness of philosophical speculation and the corrupting influence of power and money—are expressed in an wildly entertaining manner. I found the way Voltaire interwove the characters with his themes and used satire most interesting. He made the characters whose opinions he disagreed with look like fools in order to discredit their beliefs, and he made his points through characters that were likable. Candide was definitely worth reading and packed in a lot of history and philosophy into a fast-paced, action story.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Huntely Power Station In New Zealand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Huntely Power Station In New Zealand - Essay Example interviews with relevant experts and engineers at the Huntly Power Station and review of literature such as online resources, magazine articles, newspapers, books and pamphlets. This report has been able to establish the effects of hydro electricity and wind turbines used in the generation of electricity. The report has compared the two means of electricity generation and focused on their impacts. The results of the research that was conducted in regard to the research questions have also been discussed in great detail so as to find the better option between hydro electricity and wind turbines. This report has majorly focused on the Huntly Power Station. The report has also given recommendations about the use of hydro electricity versus wind turbines. This report is focused on the problem of hydro electricity versus wind turbines in the Waikato. Analysts have noted that the energy demands in New Zealand are growing at an average rate of about 2% per annum (Martin, 1991). New Zealand thus needs a great deal of new electricity generation options to cater for the ever growing electricity needs. This is especially true considering the growing concerns about the negative effects that electricity generation has on the environment and climate (Reilly, 2008). Many people have therefore supported the use of sustainable and renewable sources in the generation of electricity (Bradley, 2007). In the Waikato region, the question of hydro electricity versus wind turbines has elicited numerous debates. There are those who feel that hydro electricity generation is better than the use of wind turbines while others feel that wind turbines are better that hydro electricity in the generation of electric power (Ministry of Economic Development, 2007). This report will discuss the results of research conducted to ascertain the viability, sustainability and renewability of hydro electricity versus wind turbines in the Waikato. This topic is important because it seeks to find out the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Mnging people in retil Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mnging people in retil - Case Study Example In most retil orgniztions, these chnges come in the fce of reltively little premerger plnning. lthough mny firms consider the implictions of structurl chnge on their orgniztion, often such nlysis is cursory nd superficil. This pper will introduce the elements of structure within the retil orgniztion, then explore the reltionship mong structure, strtegy, nd culture. Finlly, the structurl chnges within retil orgniztion strtegy is presented in the previous pssges of the pper. Retil orgniztionl structure hs numerous dimensions: formliztion, speciliztion, stndrdiztion, hierrchy of uthority, complexity, centrliztion, professionlism, nd personnel rtios. mong them, complexity, formliztion, nd centrliztion re focl to our discussion of retil orgniztion (see Figure 1). Complexity refers to the number nd vriety of hierrchicl lyers, job titles, nd divisions nd deprtments within n orgniztion. The more lyers nd divisions, the higher the complexity of n orgniztion. (Bddeleys, Jmes, 1990) It is needed to sy tht the level of complexity vries within the retil orgniztion. Within Tesco, the legl deprtment hs mny lyers of lwyers nd stff members servicing the legl needs of different regions of the country, wheres mnufcturing my hve only one loction with two hierrchicl levels. Formliztion refers to the number nd content of rules nd regultions present within n retil orgniztion. The more written rules, stndrd operting procedures, nd policy mnuls, the more forml n orgniztion. The degree of formliztion determines how mny decisions re preprogrmmed, since rules nd mnuls cn replce mngeril decision mking. Highly formlized structures led to routine work nd ctivity. In forml orgniztions, behviors nd ctivities re predetermined since they re described in some document. Employee freedom in decision mking nd behvior is therefore highly limited. dditionlly, formliztion often leds to impersonlity for both employees nd customers Centrliztion The compny tht is being discussed hs decentrlized retil dministrtion. It is counted to be the cornerstone of orgniztionl policy tht is crucil when it comes to compny's retil success nd some difficulties to overcome every now nd then. The ltter my relte to the locl overpricing of goods, poor service, out-of-stock conditions, nd excessive nd unblnced inventories. t the mentime, compny officers ssume tht the dvntges of decentrliztion previl over its disdvntges. Centrliztion Centrliztion refers to the distribution of power nd decision mking within n orgniztion. The less the number of groups nd levels involved in decision mking, the more centrlized firm. In centrlized orgniztions, lrge mjority of ll decisions re mde by top mngers. In decentrlized orgniztions, on the other hnd, decisions re delegted or pushed down to lower levels. DETERMINNTS OF STRUCTURE There hs been considerble reserch regrding the fctors tht determine, nd re determined by, the structure nd design of n orgniztion. The fctors considered most often re size, technology, strtegy, externl environment, nd most recently, culture nd ledership. Evidence cn be found supporting the position tht these elements determine structure nd tht structure determines them. So there is circulr reltionship mong them. They ll mutully

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Career research paper on nursing Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Career on nursing - Research Paper Example 6). In addition, there are different types of nursing as well. Nursing is ‘infinitely varied’. Although all nurses receive the same amount of education, the work they handle may vary because their placement in hospitals is different. For example, a nurse on duty in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has to know the use of sophisticated machinery. A nurse in charge of patients who are well on their way to recovery has to be skilled in the way he/she talks; the nurse has to be polite, friendly, and exuberant. Therefore, it emphasizes the fact that nursing is a very ‘people’s’ profession (Sacks, pp.5). Nursing is a profession that was started by Florence Nightingale in the mid-nineteenth century and it has undergone radical changes (Sacks, pp.6). There has been a debate over the fact whether nursing is a ‘full profession’ or a semi professional one. Researchers (Timby, pp. 23-25) state that nursing cannot be regarded fully as a profession, becaus e people in it do not possess full characteristics that are required to achieve a full profession status. However, students of the nursing field remain adamant of the fact that most of the required definition of a profession is met by nursing, therefore, qualifying it as a full profession (Hiscott, pp.4). However, nursing as a career provides many opportunities, especially part time. Women who have to manage families can actually become part of this profession.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Network Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Network Security - Assignment Example Information security entails the adoption of specific measures that are supposed to prevent the unauthorized access, manipulation, use or the denial of access to any data, information, or capabilities that will ensure confidentiality (Douligeris and Serpanos, 2007). All these measures should be implemented to ensure the security of all the resources within the organization. Organizations nowadays have greatly relied on the various network technologies that ensure efficient data communications between different departments, at the same time ensuring that communication channels are secure. The expansion of an organization results into more resources being acquired in terms of new computers, printers, telephones, communication channels, hardwares and software’s and also the adoption of sophisticated network architectures. This results into an increased concern for information security within the organization to ensure that only the authorized personnel access the resources. Quest ion 1. The question describes the main security issues, the principles of public key encryption, and the role of certification authority as follows: Security issues facing the expansion of the organization Expansion of the organization will result into a rise in the demand of various resources. More hardware and software will be acquired, more people will be employed, and the network architecture to be used and various protocols will change to meet the organizational needs. Various security issues will arise; in physical security, all the tangible assets within the organization such as computers (both personal and laptops), network printers, telephones, storage media, people, network cables, and servers will face a security threat. Indeed, each of the organizations assets faces a security threat from within (internal) and from outside the organization (external). Security issues that will arise from within the organization (internal attacks) include access attacks such as eavesdropp ing (listening to a conversation that one is not part of) by fellow employees or through wireless networks, and snooping (looking through information files). Others include interception of transit information, unauthorized access to computers by employees, computer attacks by viruses, worms, Trojans, internal hackers and theft of hardware from within the organization (Maiwald, 2003). External attacks include hackers and cyber terrorists, and malware. The organization needs to address the measures that will be used to ensure security of both information, physical hardware, internal and external attacks are checked. Internal threats from employees are both intentional and accidental, where an employee can eavesdrop on another employee, hence gaining access to some information during conversation. In addition, employees can forge passwords of their colleagues and hence gain access to their computers, use, modify, and transfer information to other unauthorized members outside the organi zation. Moreover, employees may bring external or foreign insecure hardware into the organization, resulting into virus infection and transmission. Lastly, employees could steal portable small size hardwares from the organization. Information and communication within the organization will be affected in one way or another. There might be lots of network traffic caused by attacks on

Friday, October 4, 2019

War crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

War crimes - Essay Example o justice has been the fact that it provides a mechanism for international prosecutions where crimes committed that are not catered for within the state policy can be looked into, in addition to this, heads of state are not immune to prosecution thus the full potential of justice is achieved (Maweni, 2011). The court is also not affiliate to the United Nations hence it is not a political instrument. With these views in place, the ICC and other tribunals are in a position to ensure that justice prevails (Maweni, 2011). However, despite these successes, the court is faced with some setbacks. The weakness that tribunals and the ICC face is the fact that given the number and range of crimes that are committed against humanity, it is hard for the ICC to decide on which ones to prosecute and which ones to leave (Russell & Elliot, 2002). This is under the trigger mechanisms, which are three ways under the Rome Statute through which cases can be taken to the ICC. A state party forwarding a case to the tribunal is the most contentious issue because state decision may be interfered with sovereignty and power of the concerned parties (Russell & Elliot, 2002). Therefore, justice for war crime victims may not be achieved if a country does not forward its case to the ICC. As per discussions in the meeting, to ensure that international bodies ensure justice in cases of war crimes, it is the responsibility of various states to support its initiative. This is because the courts can only act in areas where they have jurisdiction. Countries such as America do not support it and this and other nations that do not support the tribunal may be impeding the true course of justice that may be provided by an international tribunal and the International Criminal

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Should Capital Punishment to Be Abolished or Not Essay Example for Free

Should Capital Punishment to Be Abolished or Not Essay An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi. This is a famous quote that many people cite when they pitch for the abolishment of capital punishment (death penalty) from the judicial process. The lengthy list of the terms which are not quite acceptable in a democracy begins with terms like capital punishment and death penalty. That, however, doesnt mean that this form of punishment is not acceptable in a democracy. In fact, two of the largest democracies in the world India and the United States of America, both have the provision for capital punishment as a part of their legal system. Indeed, the decision that capital punishment may be the appropriate sanction in extreme cases is an expression of the communitys belief that certain crimes are themselves so grievous an affront to humanity that the only adequate response may be the penalty of death. Capital punishment is a barbarous survival from a less enlightened and refined age; it is incongruous and incompatible with our present standard of civilization and humanity. It has been abolished by many states and countries, and we must look forward to the day when the other governments will follow suit Capital punishment, also known as Death penalty, is essentially the execution of an individual as punishment for offense by a state. The crimes which can lead to capital punishment are called capital crimes or capital offenses. Earlier, the killing of criminals and political opponents was prevalent in almost every civilization. With the time, nearly all European and several Pacific Area states (counting Australia, New Zealand and Timor Leste), and Canada have abolished death penalty. The majority of states in Latin America have absolutely abolished capital punishment, however, a few countries, like Brazil, use death penalty only in special situations, for example, treachery committed during wartime. There are still quite a few states and countries that retain the use of capital punishment, including the United States (the federal government and 36 of its states), Guatemala, majority of the Caribbean, Japan, India, and Africa (Botswana and Zambia). In almost all retentionist countries, capital punishment is granted as a penalty for planned murder, espionage, treachery, or as part of military justice. Recently, the case of Mohammad Afzal, a terrorist who was found guilty of instigating the attack on the Indian Parliament House, has cropped up the controversy regarding the Indian law of capital punishment. Right to Life Capital Punishment in India In India, capital punishment is granted for different crimes, counting murder, initiating a child’s suicide, instigating war against the government, acts of terrorism, or a second evidence for drug trafficking. Death penalty is officially permitted though it is to be used in the ‘rarest of rare’ cases as per the judgement of Supreme Court of India. Amongst the retentionist countries around the world, India has the lowest execution rate with just 55 people executed since independence in 1947. Since the condition of the ‘rarest of rare’ is not exactly defined, sometimes even less horrific murders have been awarded capital punishment owing to poor justification by lawyers. Since 1992, there are about 40 mercy petitions pending before the president. The proposals for abolition of death sentence for petty offences was brought about but there was a lot of hue and cry from lawyers , judges and parliamentarians and the so called protectors of social order. Six times the House of Commons passed the bill and six times the House of Lords rejected the same. With the passage of time, the voice for abolition of death penalty grew stronger over the world especially in Britain. However, in spite of opposition, the bill was passed and the number of cases in which capital punishment was awarded was reduced year after year and death penalty was reserved for offences like murder and treason. Currently, in the world 133 countries have abolished capital punishment dejure or defacto. 64 countries have retained it. Bangladesh is one of them. (source: Amnesty International Website) In UK , death penalty was abolished in 1965 except for offences of treason and certain forms of piracy and offences committed by members of the Armed Forces during wartime. In India , the recent trend is clearly towards the abolition of death sentence. Before the amendment of Criminal Procedure Code in 1955, it was obligatory for a court to give reasons for not awarding death sentence in case of murder. Under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, the court has to record reasons for awarding death sentence. A compassionate alternative of life imprisonment is gaining judicial ground in India . In a leading case of Bachan Sing v. State of Punjab(1980) 2 SCC 684,the Supreme Court held by a majority of four to one that the provisions of death sentence as an alternative punishment for murder in section 302 of Penal Code was not unreasonable and was in the public interest. The dissenting view of Justice Bhagwati was that instead of death sentence, the sentence of life imprisonment should be imposed. He put emphasis on barbarity and cruelty involved in death sentence. It is irrevocable and cannot be recalled. It extinguishes the flame of life for ever. It is destructive of the right to life which is the most precious right of all, a right without which enjoyment of no other right is possible. Justice Bhagwati rejects the view that death penalty acts as a deterrent against potential murderers. According to him, this view is a myth which has been carefully nurtured by a society which is actuated not so much by logic or reason as by a sense of retribution. Conclusion It has been pledged in the preamble of the republics constitution that equality and justice will be secured for all citizens. The liberation heroes had dedicated their lives with a view to establishing a welfare state in which fundamental human rights and freedoms and respect for the dignity and worth of the human person shall be guaranteed. Protection against cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment is a fundamental right under art. 35 (4) of the constitution. So time has come to reconsider death sentence as a means of punishment. The worlds trend is precisely towards the correction of the offenders in lieu of inflicting cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. Bangladesh as a democratic country cannot lag behind. The state is undergoing cumulative increase of crimes owing to a great deal of factors such as lack of good governance, absence of rule of law, corruption, patronisation of terrorists, wide gap between the haves and have-nots, confrontational politics and so on. Instead of giving emphasis on removing these factors, we are wrongly attempting to check crimes by inflicting exemplary punishment. What is a rarest of rare case? In the Bachan Singh judgment of 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty should be used only in the rarest of rare cases. More than a quarter of a century later, it is clear that through the failure of the courts and the State authorities to apply consistently the procedures laid down by law and by that judgment, the Courts strictures remain unfulfilled. In a judgment delivered in December 2006, a Supreme Court bench admitted the Courts failure to evolve a sentencing policy in capital cases (Aloke Nath Dutta and ors. . State of West Bengal (MANU/SC/8774/2006)). The bench examined judgments over the past two decades in which the Supreme Court adjudicated upon whether a case was one of the rarest of the rare or not and concluded: What would constitute a rarest of rare case must be determined in the fact situation obtaining in each case [sic]. We have also noticed hereinbefore that different criteria have been adopted by different benches of th is Court, although the offences are similar in nature. Because the case involved offences under the same provision, the same by itself may not be a ground to lay down any uniform criteria for awarding a death penalty or a lesser penalty as several factors therefore are required to be taken into consideration. The frustration of the Court was evident when it stated: No sentencing policy in clear cut terms has been evolved by the Supreme Court. What should we do? In that particular ruling, the Court commuted the appellants death sentence. On the same day, however, another bench of the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence imposed on an appellant who had convicted of murdering his wife and four children (Bablu @ Mubarik Hussain v. State of Rajasthan (AIR 2007 SC 697)). After referring to the importance of reformation and rehabilitation of offenders as among the foremost objectives of the administration of criminal justice in the country, the judgment merely referred to the appellants declaration of the murders as evidence of his lack of remorse. There was no discussion of the specific situation of the appellant, the motive for the killings or the possibility of reform in his case. Death Penalty Statistics A look at the death penalty statistics of the world reveals that around 90 percent of the countries have already abolished the death penalty. These countries include Portugal, Venezuela, France, Canada, etc. This, however, hasnt turned out to be as fruitful as expected, because some of the major countries in the world, including China, India and the United States, still ontinue the use of death penalty execution as a part of their legal system. Statistics also reveal that approximately 80 percent of the death penalty executions the world over, come from the Asian countries, with China at the forefront with the highest execution rate in the world. In fact, the number of executions in China alone in 2008 was double the number of executions in the rest of the world combined for that year. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF DEATH PENALTY IN INDIA Imposing of death sentence is one thing that always gets more attention to be discussed, including from the view of constitutional validity in each countries. A serious discussion regarding to death sentence in Indonesia, whether it should be continued or abolished, has come up before the Court after some applicant applied a petition to Indonesian Constitutional Court in order to challenge the constitutionality of death penalty in Drugs and Narcotic Act against the provision of Rights to Life on Indonesian Constitution, 1945. This article is the first chapter of several other chapters with the topic of â€Å"death penalty† which will be flattened on the following days. *** The provision of death penalty as an alternative punishment for murder under s. 302, IPC[1] was challenged as constitutionally invalid being violate of Arts. 14,[2] 19[3] and 21[4] of the Constitution in a series of cases. It was contended in Jagmohan Singh v. State of U. P. [5] that the constitutional validity of death sentence has to be tested with reference to Arts. 14 and 19 besides Art. 1 of the Constitution as the right to life is fundamental to the enjoyment of all these freedoms as contained in Art. 19 of the Constitution. It was further contended that the Code of Criminal Procedure prescribed the procedure of finding guilt of an accused but regarding the sentence to be awarded under s. 302, IPC the unguided and uncontrolled discretion has been left to the Judge to decide the sentence to be awarded. The Supreme Court held that the death sentence as an alternative punishment under s. 302, IPC s not unreasonable and it is in the public interest and the procedural safeguard provided to the accused under the Code of Criminal Procedure is not unreasonable leaving the discretion with the judge to sentence an accused, convicted for murder either to death or life imprisonment Death sentence as an alternative punishment for life was held valid. Though the court did not accept the contention that the validity of the sentence to death has to be tested in the light of Arts. 14 and 10 of the Constitution. But in Rajendra Prasad v. State of U. P. 6] the court accepted the proposition that the validity of the death sentence can be tested with reference to Arts. 14, 19 and 21 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court suggested that in exceptional circumstances death sentence should be imposed only when public interest, social defence and public order would warrant. Such extreme penalty should be imposed in extreme cir cumstances. The court in Barchan Singh v. State of Punjab[7] upheld that constitutional validity of death sentence. The court reasoned that penal law does not attract Art. 19(1) of the Constitution. If the impact of the law on nay of the rights under Art. 19(1) is merely incidental, indirect, remote or collateral, Art. 19 would not be available for testing its validity. Accordingly, the court held that s. 302, IPC for its validity would not require to qualify the test of Art. 19. The procedure provided in the Code of Criminal Procedure for imposing capital punishment for murder cannot be said to be unfair, unreasonable and unjust. But Justice Bhagwati in his dissenting judgment held that s. 302, IPC and s. 354(3), Cr PC violation of Arts. 4 and 21 as these provisions confers unguided power on the court which irrational and arbitrary. Thus, death sentence should be imposed in the rarest of the rare case. The Supreme Court in Machhi Sing v State of Punjab[8] laid down the broad outlines of the circumstances when death sentence should be imposed. It should be considered whether there is something uncommon about the crime and the compelling circumstances for imposing death sentence after giving maximum weight age of the mitigating circumstances which is favour of the accused. Jumman Kahn was facing the gallows on being sentenced to death for having brutally raped and strangulated to death a six year old girl named Sakina. The convict challenged the death sentence and its constitutionality. [9] It was argued that death penalty is not only outmoded, unreasonable, cruel and unusual punishment but also defies the dignity of the individual and the issue needs reconsideration which stands like sentinel over human misery, degradation and oppression. The Supreme Court while endorsing its earlier view as to the constitutionality of death sentence held that the failure to impose death sentence is such grave cases here it is a crime against the society, particularly in case of murders with extreme brutality will bring to naught the sentence of death penalty provided by s. 302 of IPC. The only punishment which the convict deserves for having committed the reprehensible and gruesome murder of the innocent child to satisfy his lust is nothing but death as a measure of social necessity and also a means of deterring other potential offenders. The Supreme Court in earlier case Banchan Singh v. State Punjab[10] upheld the constitutional validity of imposition of death sentence as an alternative to life imprisonment and it was further that it is not violate of Arts. 14 and 21 of the Constitution. Chief Justice Chandrachud expressing the view of the three Judges of the Supreme Court in Sher Singh v State of Punjab[11] held that death sentence is constitutionally valid and permissible within the constrains of the rule in Bachan Singh (supra). This has to be accepted as the law of the land. The decisions rendered by this court after full debate has to be accepted without mental reservation until they are set aside. The challenge touching the constitutionality of the death sentence also surfaced in Triveniben v State of Gujarat[12] and in Allauddin’s case[13] and the Supreme Court asserted affirmatively that the Constitution does not prohibit the death penalty. It is in the rare cases, the legislature in its wisdom, considered it necessary impose the extreme punishment of death to deter others and to protect the society. The choice of sentence is left with the rider that the judge may visit the convict with extreme punishment provided there exist special reasons for doing so.